Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thanksgiving Feast - Dinner - Homemade Rolls

I have made these rolls with my father-in-law, Steve, many times.  So last year, Nicole & I decided to try them on our own. *Insert snort laugh here*

The name for this recipe is "Mom's Easy Rolls".  "Mom" is Emma Jones, Steve's mom, and Travis's Grandma.  I'm so glad I got to meet her...she was a neat lady.

These will be made again this Thanksgiving so we can better document the timing.  Because when we did them last year, our rolls were done at noon and dinner was at 6pm.  They were tasty, but what's better than warm rolls for dinner?  I can't think of much.

Mom's Easy Rolls

2 eggs
2 cakes of yeast, rapid rise
1/2 c sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 c milk
1 c water
7 c flour*
9 tbsp shortening (1/2 c + 1 tbsp)
  1. Place eggs, sugar, salt, milk and 4 cups of flour in mixing bowl.  
  2. In a separate bowl, heat the water until lukewarm.  Add yeast (stir until just mixed) and let stand one minute.  
  3. Pour yeast mixture into the mixing bowl and beat all together for 4 minutes.  
  4. Add shortening, then knead in remaining flour.  
  5. Cover and let rise until double in size, about 2 hours.  
  6. Make out rolls and put onto greased cookie sheet, leaving space in between.
  7. Cover and let rise until double in size again, about 2 hours.
  8. Bake at 400 degrees for 10-12 minutes until golden brown.
*Nicole is allergic to bleach, so white bleached flour is out.  We're going to make wheat rolls this Thanksgiving.  Will update how they turned out.  

Update 12/3/13:  Wheat rolls were AMAZING!

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