Monday, March 17, 2014

Sticky Buns

Okay.  We've been holding onto this one.  But in the spirit of "almost" spring and a few more cold mornings in our future, we thought we'd share.  Enjoy while being snuggled on the couch under your favorite afghan.  

Sticky Buns

1 bag frozen Rhodes rolls
Crisco, for greasing the pan and rolls
1/4 c cinnamon
1 box of butterscotch pudding
1/2 c (1 stick) unsalted butter
1/2 c brown sugar

  1. Grease bundt pan with crisco.  Grease top of each frozen roll before putting in pan. Place 22-24 rolls evenly in pan.
  2. Sprinkle rolls evenly with cinnamon.
  3. Sprinkle rolls evenly with 1/2 of the butterscotch pudding packet.
  4. In small saucepan, melt butter and brown sugar together. Use low/med heat stirring constantly. It takes awhile to turn into a creamy caramel where the butter and sugar are completely combined, but as with many of our lessons, low and slow!
  5. Pour mix over rolls evenly.
  6. Cover with light towel and let rise overnight.
  7. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes (check at 20).
  8. Put a cookie sheet on the rack below in case it oozes caramel.
  9. Might need to lower the rack... Depending on how tall they rose... Don't want to burn the top.
  10. They're done when the tops are a dark, golden brown.
  11. Invert onto large plate.

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