Friday, August 23, 2013

Garfield Would Be Jealous Of This Lasagne

Our lasagna is so good, it gets eaten for breakfast!

I hope my friend doesn't mind that I exploit the story, but I made my go-to recipe (you know the have it memorized, have most of the ingredients in your kitchen, have made it 1000 times!) for her family while they're going through a health scare.  

It's easy, you don't cook the noodles ahead of time and it refrigerates over night.  Who doesn't want to reap the rewards of yesterday's work.

She decided to cook it that next morning to take to her hubby in the hospital for lunch.  It was so tempting that lasagna for breakfast it was!

Another tip:  It's just as easy to make two batches as it is to make one.  It freezes well, either before cooking, or after.

Lazy Lasagna

1 lb. ground beef (or whatever critter you have, we have hunters in our lives so you never know what's in the freezer!)
1 jar spaghetti sauce (I use 24 oz jar of Ragu Chunky Garden Style – Garden Combo)
4 oz tomato sauce 
1 c water
1 - 15 oz container ricotta cheese*
1 tsp chopped chive (dried)**
1 tsp oregano**
1 egg
8 oz box of uncooked lasagna noodles (we use the whole grain – it’s WAY better)
3 - 6 oz packages of sliced mozzarella cheese or 2 packages of 10 slices of mozzarella
Shredded parmesan cheese
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a large sauce pan, brown meat.  Drain.  Return meat to sauce pan.  Add spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce and water.  Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer.  This will be extremely runny!
  3. In a small bowl, combine ricotta or cottage cheese, spices and egg.
  4. In 9"x 13” glass pan:
    1. Layer 1:  1 ½ cup meat sauce, spread evenly
    2. Layer 2:  ½ noodles
    3. Layer 3:  ½ cheese mix (spread over noodles – it won’t be perfect)
    4. Layer 4:  ½ mozzarella cheese slices
    5. Repeat Layers 2, 3, 4
  5. Top with remaining meat sauce.  
  6. Sprinkle top with Parmesan cheese.  
  7. Cover and refrigerate overnight, or put in the freezer for next time.
  8. Thaw completely.
  9. Remove cover and bake at 350 degrees for 60 min.
*Update on 10/26/17.  We now use cottage cheese.  Which I normally don't like, but it melts into this cheesy goodness.  This is not the consensus in our family.  If you like the texture of gritty ricotta cheese, go with that.  Taste isn't much different, it's definitely a texture thing.
**Or you can use 2 tsp of Italian Seasoning

What is your favorite "go to" recipe?  Leave below in the comments!

Best, Laura

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